Year of Graduation


Level of Access

Restricted Access Thesis

Embargo Period


Department or Program

Government and Legal Studies

First Advisor

Paul Franco


This thesis explores the possibility for environmental interpretations of Martin Heidegger’s philosophy. Much of Heidegger’s work, especially his later thought which receives particular attention in this thesis, elucidates the effects of technology upon man. As a result, Heidegger has been linked to environmental thought with a surprising frequency given that his work itself is not environmentalist per se. Many environmental thinkers who would coopt Heidegger for their own thought do so without proper consideration of the source material. I examine several of Heidegger’s essays with an environmental lens to uncover the extent to which his work may constitute valuable theory for coping with climate change. I also parse through several previous attempts at including Heidegger in environmental thought, with a particular focus on Deep Ecology. Although Heidegger’s work should not be considered as environmental in its own right, nor should it be used as a mere ad-on to other thought, his thought emerges as a valuable resource for developing an environmental ethics.


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