
Abstract / Resumen

This article examines the ways in which writings by both Enrique Lihn and Roberto Bolaño enter into dialogue with the Chilean critical icon José Miguel Ibáñez Langlois. I argue that Lihn’s essay Sobre el antiestructuralismo de José Miguel Ibáñez Langlois (1983) and Bolaño’s novel Nocturno de Chile (2000) attempt to subvert the cultural dominance of Ibáñez Langlois through complex representations and interpretations of his theoretical relationship to language and silence. Keeping in mind Bolaño’s own admiration of Lihn, this article seeks to consider the ways in which Lihn’s polemic with Ibáñez Langlois during Pinochet's dictatorship especially informs the development of the fictional Urrutia Lacroix in Nocturno de Chile.
