Stolen Future, Broken Present: The Human Significance of Climate Change
David A. Collings
This book argues that climate change has a devastating effect on how we think about the future. Once several positive feedback loops in Earth’s dynamic systems, such as the melting of the Arctic icecap or the drying of the Amazon, cross the point of no return, the biosphere is likely to undergo severe and irreversible warming.
Nearly everything we do is premised on the assumption that the world we know will endure into the future and provide a sustaining context for our activities. But today the future of a viable biosphere, and thus the purpose of our present activities, is put into question. A disappearing future leads to a broken present, a strange incoherence in the feel of everyday life.
We thus face the unprecedented challenge of salvaging a basis for our lives today. That basis, this book argues, may be found in our capacity to assume an infinite responsibility for ecological disaster and, like the biblical Job, to respond with awe to the alien voice that speaks from the whirlwind. By owning disaster and accepting our small place within the inhuman forces of the biosphere, we may discover how to live with responsibility and serenity whatever may come. (Publisher's Description)
Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest - 2014 Updated Chapters
Nalini M. Nadkarni and Nathaniel T. Wheelwright
The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve has captured the worldwide attention of biologists, conservationists, and ecologists and has been the setting for extensive investigation over the past 40 years. Roughly 40,000 ecotourists visit the Cloud Forest each year, and it is often considered the archetypal high-altitude rain forest. “Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest”, edited by Nalini Nadkarni and Nathaniel T. Wheelwright (Oxford University Press, 2000 and Bowdoin’s Scholar’s Bookshelf. Book 1 ), features synthetic chapters and specific accounts written by more than 100 biologist and local residents, presenting in a single volume everything known in 2000 about the biological diversity of Monteverde, Costa Rica, and how to protect it. The new short chapters written in 2014 by original contributors, and presented here update and expand that knowledge through 2014.
Un Sión tropical: el general Trujillo, Franklin Roosevelt y los judíos de Sosúa
Allen Wells and Natalia Sanz González (translator)
Setecientos cincuenta refugiados judíos dejaron la Alemania nazi y fundaron la colonia agrícola de Sosúa en la República Dominicana, que en ese momento estaba bajo el régimen de uno de los dictadores más represivos de Latinoamérica, el general Rafael Trujillo. En este libro, Allen Wells, hijo de uno de los colonos de Sosúa, cuenta la historia del general Trujillo, Franklin Delano Roosevelt y los afortunados pioneros que fundaron, en la costa norte de la isla, una exitosa cooperativa de productos lácteos de propiedad de los mismos empleados.
¿Por qué el dictador admitió a esos desesperados refugiados cuando muy pocas naciones aceptaron a los que escapaban del nazismo? Ansioso de mitigar las críticas internacionales después de que su Ejército masacrara varios miles de haitianos desarmados, Trujillo mandó a sus representantes a una conferencia sobre los refugiados del nazismo realizada en Évian, Francia, en 1938. Propuesta por Roosevelt para desviar las críticas a las políticas restrictivas de inmigración de su Gobierno, la Conferencia de Évian resultó un completo fracaso. La República Dominicana fue la única nación que aceptó abrir sus puertas; el oportunista Trujillo buscaba “blanquear” la población dominicana, recibiendo refugiados judíos, quienes en Europa eran ellos mismos sujeto de desprecio racista. Debido a que los Estados Unidos no admitieron números significativos de refugiados judíos, alentaron a Latinoamérica a aceptarlos. Esta propuesta, sumada a la preocupación mayor de Roosevelt de luchar contra el nazismo, fortaleció las relaciones estadounidenses con las dictaduras latinoamericanas en las décadas que vendrían.
Monteverde: ecología y conservación de un bosque nuboso tropical
Nathaniel T. Wheelwright and Nalini M. Nadkarni
La Reserva Biológica Bosque Nuboso Monteverde ha capturado la atención mundial de biólogos, conservacionistas y ecólogos y allí se han hecho vastas investigaciones durante los últimos 40 años. Unos 40.000 ecoturistas visitan el Bosque Nuboso cada año y se considera el bosque lluvioso arquetípico de las altitudes altas. Este libro, una traducción actualizada de "Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest", editado por Nalini Nadkarni y Nathaniel T. Wheelwright (Oxford University Press, 2000) presenta capítulos sintéticos y recuentos específicos escritos por más de 100 biólogos y residentes locales. En un solo volumen documenta todo lo que se sabe en 2014 de la diversidad biológica de Monteverde, Costa Rica, y cómo protegerla.
The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve has captured the worldwide attention of biologists, conservationists, and ecologists and has been the setting for extensive investigation over the past 40 years. Roughly 40,000 ecotourists visit the Cloud Forest each year, and it is often considered the archetypal high-altitude rain forest. This book, an updated and expanded version of "Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest", edited by Nalini Nadkarni and Nathaniel T. Wheelwright (Oxford University Press, 2000), features synthetic chapters and specific accounts written by more than 100 biologists and local residents. The 862-page book includes 12 new short chapters and documents in a single volume everything known in 2014 about the biological diversity of Monteverde, Costa Rica, and how to protect it.
Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest
Nalini M. Nadkarni and Nathaniel T. Wheelwright
The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve has captured the worldwide attention of biologists, conservationists, and ecologists and has been the setting for extensive investigation over the past 40 years. Roughly 40,000 ecotourists visit the Cloud Forest each year, and it is often considered the archetypal high-altitude rain forest. Featuring synthetic chapters and specific accounts written by more than 100 biologists and local residents, the 573-page book documents in a single volume everything known about the biological diversity of Monteverde, Costa Rica, and how to protect it.
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