Honors Projects from 2024
Beyond Religion: Reframing Liberal Democracy’s Treatment of Exemptions Within the Public-Private Separation, Julianna Brown
Modeling the Development & Expression of Political Opinion: A Zallerian Approach, Avery C. Ellis
Racial Bias within Capital Punishment: Instructional Comprehension, Marcus Gadsden
Deciphering Policymaking—The Enigma of the 2003 Iraq War, Chengkai Gu
Being and Salvation: Environmental Implications of Martin Heidegger's Thought, Eleanor S. Huntington
Policy Making, Decision Making, and Advocacy: The U.S. Asylum System Since 9/11, Clara Jergins
Eroding the Bedrock: The Future of Public Administration Without Chevron Deference, Rose Keller
The Politics of Seeing: John Ruskin As Political Thinker, Hayden D. Redelman
Nietzsche & the Destiny of Man: Human Greatness & Great Politics, Alexander Tully
Honors Projects from 2023
Power Play: The President's Role in Shaping Renewable Energy Regulation and Policy, Luke Bartol
Do Voters Reward Incumbents for Service Provision? Electoral Accountability in South African Elections, Rory Mayne Devlin
Surfing the Kali Yuga: Tracking the Alt-Right on Twitter, Jaida Hodge-Adams
Liberty and Its Legacy An Analysis of Freedom and Liberty in American Political Rhetoric, Ryan S. Kovarovics
Growing Pains: Toward a Coalition-Based Theory of State Land Use Policy, Patrick Rochford
Is Faith the Ultimate Divider?: The Intersections Between Religion and Political Behavior in the United States, Ryan Supple
Honors Projects from 2022
Modern Love and Marriage: The Problems and Insights of Rousseau, Beauvoir, and Plato, Isabella Angel
Rebellion as an Approach to Life in the Work of Albert Camus, Emily Ruth Staten
Honors Projects from 2021
Regional Identity, Devolution and Ethnic Outbidding: The Rise and Radicalization of Ethnoregionalist Parties in Spain, Alex Baselga Garriga
Can Small Donations Have Big Consequences? Candidate Ideology, Small Donations, and Election Results in the 2016 and 2018 Congressional Cycles, Michael Borecki
Stuck in Limbo: Temporary Protected Status, Climate Migrants and the Expanding Definition of Refugees in the United States, Noelia Calcaño
The Mérida Initiative and the Violence of Transnational Criminal Organizations in Mexico, Brianna Madison Canning
The United States’ and United Kingdom’s Responses to 2016 Russian Election Interference: Through the Lens of Bureaucratic Politics, Katherine Davidson
Making Human Beings and Citizens: The Educational Philosophies of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Mary Wollstonecraft, Mollie Claire Eisner
From “a Journey for Peace” to the “Butchers of Beijing”: How Presidents have Used Rhetoric about China to Win the Two-Level Game, Juliet Halvorson-Taylor
Indigenous Rights in International Law: A Focus on Extraction in the Arctic, Aine Healey Lawlor
Motives Underlying China’s Foreign Aid Allocation, Cecilia Markmann
Education Amid Stabilization: The Varied Effects of Military Intervention on Public Schooling in Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso, Arjun S. Mehta
Campaigning for the Court: The Effect of Presidential Campaign Rhetoric on the Supreme Court, Mackey O'Keefe
When is Change Possible? Presidential Power as Shaped by Political Context, Constitutional Tools, and Legislative Skills, Ryan Telingator
All That Influences the Condition of Women: The Moral Foundations of Female Education in Tocqueville and Rousseau, Nicole Danielle Tjin A Djie
Honors Projects from 2020
Strange Progress: Politics of Sexual Violence in Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings from 1991 to 2018, Rebecca Berman
Rehab, Restitution, or Reform? Drug Policy, Race, and Swing Voters in Ohio Politics, 1983-2015, Grace Louise Cawdrey
Torture under the Regime of Bashar al-Assad: Two Decades of Failed Human Rights Campaigns and Foreign Interference in Syria, Olivia Giles
Digital Authoritarianism in China and Russia: A Comparative Study, Laura H.C. Howells
An Analysis of Hezbollah’s Media Platforms, Focusing on Themes, Narratives and Strategy, Nichole Irving
Governing the Internet: The Extraterritorial Effects of the General Data Protection Regulation, Sasa Jovanovic
The Soviet and American Wars in Afghanistan: Applying Clausewitzian Concepts to Modern Military Failure, Artur Kalandarov
Enemy Combatants and Unitary Executives: Presidential Power in Theory and Practice During the War on Terror, Rohini Kurup
Democracy Promotion in U.S. Counterinsurgency: Tracing Post-War Security Sector Reconstruction in El Salvador and Iraq, Emma Redington Lawry
Chambers of Reflection: Rousseau, Tocqueville, and Self-Government in the Digital Age, John Sweeney
Honors Projects from 2019
Midterm Decline in Comparative Perspective, Duncan Gans
Beyond Urban Bias: Peasant Movements and the State in Africa, Connor Rockett
Honors Projects from 2018
Honors Projects from 2017
The Message, Medium and Messenger: A Study of Political Persuasion Through a Case Study of Planned Parenthood, Jodi Leah Kraushar
Africa and the International Criminal Court: Behind the Backlash and Toward Future Solutions, Marisa O'Toole
Honors Projects from 2016
Fact vs. Faction: Polarization in the Information Age, Noah Finberg
The Rising Tide of Indigenous Mobilization: Identity and the Politics of Refusal in Mexico and Ecuador, Kelsey J. Freeman
Honors Projects from 2015
Albert Camus: An Ethical Politics in the Absurd World, Stephanie Lane
Hunter-Gatherers: The Survival of the Foraging Practice In Modern States, Tristan C. Van Kote
Peace Be Dammed? Water Power and Water Politics in the Tigris-Euphrates Basin, Camille E. Wasinger
Honors Projects from 2013
From Left to Right? White Evangelical Politicization, GOP Incorporation, and the Effect of Party Affiliation on Group Opinion Change, Devon B. Shapiro