Submissions from 2021
Varieties of digital authoritarianism analyzing Russia’s approach to internet governance, Laura Howells and Laura A. Henry
Spending Fast and Furious: Political Advertising in 2020, Travis N. Ridout, Erika Franklin Fowler, and Michael M. Franz
Submissions from 2020
The Issue Focus of Online and Television Advertising in the 2016 Presidential Campaign, Michael M. Franz, Erika Franklin Fowler, Travis Ridout, and Meredith Yiran Wang
Fighting for Every Inch of Land: Greed and Grievance in Petition Mobilization in Zhejiang, Christopher Heurlin
Who benefits? How interest-convergence shapes benefit-sharing and indigenous rights to sustainable livelihoods in Russia, Maria S. Tysiachniouk, Laura A. Henry, Svetlana A. Tulaeva, and Leah S. Horowitz
Submissions from 2019
Continuity Trumps Change: The First Year of Trump's Administrative Presidency, Rachel Augustine Potter, Andrew Rudalevige, Sharece Thrower, and Adam L. Warber
Globalizing extraction and indigenous rights in the russian arctic: The enduring role of the state in natural resource governance, Svetlana A. Tulaeva, Maria S. Tysiachniouk, Laura A. Henry, and Leah S. Horowitz
Submissions from 2018
Oil and indigenous people in sub-Arctic Russia: Rethinking equity and governance in benefit sharing agreements, Maria Tysiachniouk, Laura A. Henry, Machiel Lamers, and Jan P.M. van Tatenhove
Oil Extraction and Benefit Sharing in an Illiberal Context: The Nenets and Komi-Izhemtsi Indigenous Peoples in the Russian Arctic, Maria Tysiachniouk, Laura A. Henry, Machiel Lamers, and Jan P.M. van Tatenhove
Civil Society under the Law ‘On Foreign Agents’: NGO Strategies and Network Transformation, Maria Tysiachniouk, Svetlana Tulaeva, and Laura A. Henry
Submissions from 2017
The likelihood of local allies free-riding: Testing economic theories of alliances in US counterinsurgency interventions, Barbara Elias
Private forest governance, public policy impacts: The Forest Stewardship Council in Russia and Brazil, Lisa Mc Intosh Sundstrom and Laura A. Henry
Submissions from 2016
Political advertising in 2016: The presidential election as outlier?, Erika Franklin Fowler, Travis N. Ridout, and Michael M. Franz
Submissions from 2015
Sponsorship, Disclosure, and Donors: Limiting the Impact of Outside Group Ads, Travis N. Ridout, Michael M. Franz, and Erika Franklin Fowler
Submissions from 2014
The letter of the law: Administrative discretion and Obama's domestic unilateralism, Andrew Rudalevige
Submissions from 2012
Interest groups in electoral politics: 2012 in context, Michael M. Franz
Complaint-making as political participation in contemporary Russia, Laura A. Henry
Submissions from 2010
The citizens united election? or same as it ever was?, Michael M. Franz
Political advertising and persuasion in the 2004 and 2008 presidential elections, Michael M. Franz and Travis N. Ridout
Submissions from 2008
The interest group response to campaign finance reform, Michael M. Franz
Understanding the effect of political advertising on voter turnout: A response to Krasno and Green, Michael M. Franz, Paul Freedman, Ken Goldstein, and Travis N. Ridout
Environmental issues in Russia, Laura A. Henry and Vladimir Douhovnikoff
Submissions from 2007
Does political advertising persuade?, Michael M. Franz and Travis N. Ridout
Submissions from 2004
Campaign advertising and democratic citizenship, Paul Freedman, Michael Franz, and Kenneth Goldstein
Evaluating measures of campaign advertising exposure on political learning, Travis N. Ridout, Dhavan V. Shah, Kenneth M. Goldstein, and Michael M. Franz
Submissions from 2003
Oakeshott, Berlin, and liberalism, Paul Franco
Submissions from 2000
Interest group issue appeals: Evidence of issue convergence in senate and presidential elections, 2008-2014, Michael M. Franz
Submissions from 1990
Michael Oakeshott as Liberal Theorist, Paul Franco