Submissions from 2021
Exploring film language with a digital analysis tool: The case of kinolab, Allison Cooper, Fernando Nascimento, and David Francis
A critical, analytical framework for the digital machine, Crystal Hall, Eric Chown, and Fernando Nascimento
A critical, analytical framework for the digital machine, Crystal Hall, Eric Chown, and Fernando Nascimento
A critical, analytical framework for the digital machine, Crystal Hall, Eric Chown, and Fernando Nascimento
Submissions from 2020
Magni, isabella, lia markey, and maddalena signorini, eds. Italian paleography. other., Crystal Hall
Submissions from 2019
Digital Humanities and Italian Studies: Intersections and Oppositions, Crystal Hall
The power of context in networks: Ideal point models with social interactions, Mohammad T. Irfan and Tucker Gordon
Submissions from 2016
Data Set for North American Colleges and Universities with Italian and Digital Humanities Programs, Crystal Hall
Survey on Italian Studies & Digital Humanities, Crystal Hall
Submissions from 2015
RoboGrams: A lightweight message passing architecture for RoboCup soccer, Elizabeth Mamantov, William Silver, William Dawson, and Eric Chown
Submissions from 2014
On influence, stable behavior, and the most influential individuals in networks: A game-theoretic approach, Mohammad T. Irfan and Luis E. Ortiz
Submissions from 2013
Galileo, poetry, and patronage: Iulio strozzi's venetia edificata and the lace of galileo in seventeenth-century talian poetry, Crystal Hall
Submissions from 2012
The Art Gallery Theorem for Polyominoes, Therese Biedl, Mohammad T. Irfan, Justin Iwerks, Joondong Kim, and Joseph S.B. Mitchell
Submissions from 2008
Learning cognitive maps: Finding useful structure in an uncertain world, Eric Chown and Byron Boots
Submissions from 2002
An architecture for emotional decision-making agents, Eric Chown, Randolph M. Jones, and Amy E. Henninger
Submissions from 1999
Making predictions in an uncertain world: Environmental structure and cognitive maps, Eric Chown
Submissions from 1995
Prototypes, location, and associative networks (PLAN): Towards a unified theory of cognitive mapping, Eric Chown, Stephen Kaplan, and David Kortenkamp